N=ceil(z/s) where z=28,s=5
Z = (n+mp/100)z where m=17,n=3,z=650,p=50
BarChart(-20, -12, -4, 6, 13, 18, 14, 16, 5.5, 1, -4,-6)
B*n+s*v*b/100 where B=2700,v=8,b=23,s=200,n=1
polygon (0,0),(0,3),(5,3),(5,0), polygon (0,3),(5,2),(2,0)
n-m where n=.93,m=.86
triangle [0,0],[4,0],[2.1,2], triangle [1.9,0],[2.1,2],[2.2,0]
fit polynomial
cuboid 4,5,6, cuboid 2,5,2 and center (0,-1,0)
-32 sin96/sin264
a*t^2+b*t+tau-T<=0 where a=-5,b=40,tau=1340,T=1400
cyan cone with radius 9 and height 12
{u-v = a,B/v-A/u = t} where A=540,B=600,a=10,t=12
minimize x^3-10*x^2+25*x+7 over x=4..11
{2*cos((3*Pi)/2+x)^2=sin(2*x), x >= -(9*Pi)/2, x <= -3*Pi}
plot (2*cos((3*Pi)/2+x)^2,sin(2*x)) for x from -(9*Pi)/2 to -3*Pi
triangle (3,0,0),(3,sqrt27,0),(3,sqrt27,sqrt85) and triangle
{16^(x+1/4)-9*4^(x-1/2)+1 >= 0, (x-1)*log(x+3,x+2)*log(3,(x+3)^2) <= 0}
plot (16^(x+1/4)-9*4^(x-1/2)+1, (x-1)*log(x+3,x+2)*log(3,(x+3)^2) ) for x=-2..2,
circle [0,5], [-2.5, 2.5], [2.1, 1.1],polygon [-5, 0], [-2.5, 2.5], [2.1, 1.1],
[2.6, 0],polygon [0, 5], [-2.5, 2.5], [0, 0], [2.1,1.1]
solve (abs(x+7)-abs(x-a) - 3*a-3)*(abs(x+7)-abs(x-a) - 10*a+3)=0 for x
plot (|x+7|-|x+5/2|,|x+7|-|x-6/7|,|x+7|-|x-2|,-5/2,6/7,2) where x=-10..5