ceil(a*b/c) for a = 90, b = 3, c=50
s = n/(1+(1/100)*p) where n=2196,p=22
BarChart(0, 10, 45, 35, 17, 63, 100, 72, 39, 33, 78, 25)
Z = (1/100)*c*C+n*w where c=25,C=16000,w=1350,n=12
polygon [0,0],[2,6],[8,8],[6,2]
p=(m-1)/(n-1) where m=7,n=16
polygon [-3.1,4.1],[2,0],[.9,6],[-2,0],[-3.1,4.1],[.9,6] and circle [-2,0],[-3.1,4.1],[.9,6]
fit polynomial
cone with radius 2 and height 4, red cone with radius 1 and height 2
N[l^2/(2*R)] where l=144,R=6400
[0,0,2],[4,0,4],[4,2sqrt5,4],[0,2sqrt5,2] and [4,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,2sqrt5,0],[4,2sqrt5,0]
t = 2/(1/k+1/m+1/n) for k=10,m=15,n=18
maximize -x^3+12*x+15 over [-2,2]
{(4/9)^cosx+2*(2/3)^cosx-3 = 0, x >= Pi, x <= 4*Pi}
plot (4/9)^cosx,-2*(2/3)^cosx+3 for x=Pi..4*Pi